Ever get confused by what the difference between a business coach or consultant is? I’m not surprised because the lines can blur sometimes. In this article I am breaking it down for you.
8 signs you are up-levelling
When up-levelling as a person or as a business we are in essence at a crossroads. Our sub conscious is saying “come on, lets expand” whereas our conscious mind is thinking “no thanks, quite happy where I am”.
Halfterm in Lockdown
I have to admit the thought of half term in lockdown filled me with dread. I’ve had years to master school holidays with working and had my formula perfected. But thats all gone out the window for February 2021. So…
Do you go beyond the pretty?
All too often creative businesses upload gorgeous images onto their website and social media and simply hope for the best. They don’t go past the pretty. They are talented. Their work is phenomenal. So they think this will be enough…
Weekly intentions and motivation
This morning I hosted a talk on clubhouse at 8:30am, its a new regular slot on a Monday where I talk about setting your intentions for the week ahead. If you are on clubhouse then do come and join me…