After 6 months of lockdown, social distancing and very few weddings. Many of us are feeling pretty exhausted right now. In fact I’ve received messages to say you’ve lost your mojo, you feel emotional, tired and literally have no motivation for business.
Firstly let me explain why. When lockdown happened you went into short-term survival mode, like true entrepreneurs you did what you could to move forward, serve your clients, and make money by diversifying and pivoting (yes I know we all hate that word now!)
6 months later, that surge of energy has gone. You are frankly exhausted from postponing weddings not just once but multiple times. From March to July many of us were also home schooling and have had to adapt from being at home alone to suddenly having the whole family here – EVERY day ALL day! But we did it, we were multi tasking gods and goddesses.
But, survival mode can’t last. There comes a time when you need to adapt to your new reality. You need to get that energy back. Here are some of my top tips to get your energy back and go a bit easier on yourself.
Accept that life is different right now: I think sometimes we are spending too much time looking back. Wishing things were different. Yes of course we want to be past the stress of COVID but the truth is obsessing over it won’t change anything. But it will make your anxiety sky rocket. So instead recognise that the world is a bit different right now.
Expect less from yourself: you can’t be perfect at everything nor know all the answers. This is something I often tell clients. You cannot be the perfect businessperson, parent, cleaner, friend, partner. Something has to give. Coupled with the extra stress of lockdown or home schooling we are being too hard on ourselves. So cut yourself some slack and remember its ok to not be perfect.
Be flexible : The new normal is frankly not as organised as we want right now: now this is something wedding planners in particular are struggling with. We are used to military organising for our weddings, with precise timelines organised months in advance. But all of a sudden we just don’t know what is happening. With the government changing their mind every few weeks about weddings its impossible for us to make concrete plans. So go with the flow, recognise plans are going to change so add some flexibility into projects.
Nature: We have all been in doors far more than normally. So take some time out and go for a walk, just be outside in nature. Not only is this good for our mental health and physical health, it’s a chance to get away from technology as well
Work less: If you are in the wedding industry and don’t have any weddings right now I highly recommend you start booking some time off. I totally understand you are still busy marketing your business and looking after your clients. But we are all working far too many hours. So start booking a day off a week, or finish work earlier. This will remind you that your personal life is vital and you need that time to recharge
Watch the negativity: My final point is to watch the negativity around you. Whether friends, the news, social media. Be careful where you spend your time and if it is affecting your positivity than snooze them or leave the group if applicable. You need to be in a space of positive likeminded people who can encourage you and motivate you.
I hope these tips are helpful and remember I am here for you. If you feel you could benefit from some 1:1 support then email me on to book a call with me
Photo by The Brand Studio