You may recall in my recent blog regarding working from home, I mentioned I was going to pass on some tips about staying healthy? I am delighted to introduce my personal trainer who has been working with me to strengthen my neck (I damaged this in 2019). She will give you some tips for staying healthy. Over to you Vicki……
We are all having to form new routines and motivate ourselves to gain structure. Wake up at “normal” times. If it was 6am to get on an early train then still get up at this time. Use your commute time as your walking time! Get your steps in nice and early, just incase you are stuck at the desk for hours on end and do not achieve much else in terms of movement for the rest of the day! Schedule a workout in 3 days a week in that “commute time” home (530-6pm) and have all your food for the day prepped to avoid “choice” or “boredom” foods!
If you have children, get a nice routine set in place right away! They need that routine too! Plan exercise for them too, it can boost energy and mood.
I’ve been exercising with Lena most days. Whether a simple yoga routine, PE with Joe or one of Vickis fab mini routines for children.
Bernadette Chapman
Your working from home desk may not be as “set up” for you as the one at work so be conscious to move regularly through the day and stretch at regular intervals. I call it desk bound syndrome…….its important to stretch the pec minor, the neck flexors and rotators and mobilise the upper back. There are plenty of youtube videos for these muscle groups but I am also more than happy to send you one i filmed for my membership site. Reach out if you would like it.
I have a foam roller as recommended by Vicki. I now have to hide from my teenagers as the whole family love rolling out muscles. I especially love laying flat on the roller to stretch my neck.
Bernadette Chapman
Get outside! The fresh air is vital for our mental health, vital for our physical health and is absolutely going to help stop us going stir crazy! Walk for an hour a day as your daily exercise as allowed by the government, or 10 minute intervals throughout the day round the garden
Training. Now gyms are shut there is plenty of online material to start! My membership site is proving a lifeline and support line for my girls! A place they can get it all…..nutrition, recipes, home workouts, exercise library, home workouts posted regularly in the forum to get through this time and a support network, a community to lean on! Community now is absolutely essential! Join someones online offerings and take advantage of this extra time.
Take this time as an opportunity for YOU. Spend the time working on YOU and your health, our number 1 priority! Time is something most of the time we all lack. At the moment we are getting it in the bucketloads!
I am hugely passionate about helping women find the best version of themselves. Right now not only am I passionate about that but also about helping people stay mentally and physically on track in this time of crisis. If you need help, reach out, i want to help people right now and i think we all agree now is a time to support one another
Thank you Vicki, do go and follow Vicki on social media, I especially love her walk and talk videos! I’d love to know, what is your daily exercise right now?
Photo of Vicki Cumberworth by Kiki Mitchel Photography