What is an ideal client?
They are the clients you love, who love you back.
The ones that are a dream to work with.
Who value the service we are providing and trust us.
What they are not are those enquiries from directories who just want the cheapest. That is not an ideal client!
There are more than enough clients out there for you so don’t be afraid to really think about what is important to you in a client.
Who would you like to work with? What values are important? What are no goes?
A profile is a description on your ideal client, everything from their career to what they do for date night helps build the picture of who they are and what is important to them.
Why do you need one?
Everything you do to market yourself as a business, will stem from this initial profile.
You cannot write strong copy for your website without knowing WHO you are talking to let alone devise the right packages to attract them to your world, and convert them into clients.
Everything stems from understanding who your client is, as a consultant I can’t begin helping my clients until I know who they are trying to attract. You can have the most beautiful website in the world but if the messaging isn’t clear, if it isn’t talking directly to your clients, it wont convert visitors into customers.
Imagine you are your client, what do they need from you? What do they put into Google? What do they desire from you?
People form an opinion in 0.05 seconds when they land on your website, that’s how short of a time you have to make a first impression. And if you’re vague your ideal clients will just move on by.
Isn’t it enough to know what niche we serve?
There is something I see so many people getting wrong. They create an ideal client profile (normally vague at best) then say I work in “niche” and feel mega confident they have it all sussed and can’t understand why enquiries are not coming through.
Yet when I view their website and social media it is safe and bland, all images and copy are trying to appeal to all clients not representative of their niche. The branding may be beautiful but if it is not specific you just won’t attract your ideal clients. And I find this so frustrating, I know with some simple changes their business will be transformed but they are convinced what they have is correct.
Let’s take the wedding industry as an example. Imagine you are a wedding planner and your niche is “dry hire weddings”. How would you begin to market this?
A bohemian couple wanting a festival vibe in a rustic barn spending £30k is different to a couple that are planning a classical marquee in their parent’s garden spending £100k. Both are technically within the niche of “dry hire”. So by understanding more about our clients + your niche + your position in the niche is vital.
Don’t try to appeal to every client out there as you will weaken your brand message. Stay true to who you are and your niche. Remember that you are as different as your future client is, stay true to this uniqueness and channel it in your brand marketing.

Get clarity on your ideal clients and market positioning by enrolling on this short course
By the end of this self paced course you will identify where you sit in the market place with an emphasis of understanding the differentiating factors against your competition. This is using the exact process I use in my own business and with 1:1 clients
Why without this your messaging will be off
You want your prospective client to land on your content and feel an instant connection, only then will they buy from you and become your raving fans.
But if you look and sound like every other business out there, they will discount you and move onto the company that does grab their attention.
Knowing your differentiating factor will ensure the RIGHT clients are enquiring making the conversion oh so much higher.
Also, it’s easier to speak directly to your ideal client in your marketing then every potential client out there! If you try to market to everyone you’ll be marketing to no-one. So when creating your social media posts or blog articles think about what they want to know from you.
Did you know users spend 5.59 seconds looking at written content now so keeping customers on your website through clear messaging is key.
Final thoughts
Assuming you know what your clients want or who they are can be bad for business.
My whole ethos for my business is helping my wedding and creative clients go beyond the pretty intro strategy. What do I mean by that? So as discussed in this article, many in this sector will have beautiful websites, they will have spent hours getting this right. But there is confusion on the strategy needed to scale their business. I use a 7 step process with my clients and step 3 is clarity where we work on their ideal client and positioning, regardless of whether they are in year 2 or year 8.

I am so passionate about creative service providers getting this right I have created a short course using the exact process I use with clients, and the same tools I use in my own business. The beta price is just £87 which when you think of the transformation this will bring to your business is amazing value. If you get just 1 client as a result of doing this course wouldn’t it be worth it?
By the end of this short course you will identify where you sit in the market place with an emphasis of understanding the differentiating factors against your competition. You will have complete clarity on who your ideal clients are so your messaging is crystal clear to them.

Get clarity on your ideal clients and market positioning with this short course.
By the end of this self paced course you will identify where you sit in the market place with an emphasis of understanding the differentiating factors against your competition. This is using the exact process I use in my own business and with 1:1 clients
Work with me: explore my services HERE or book a call or for more freebies to help you scale your business check out my everything I offer page HERE
Further reading
Get clients to stop ghosting you
How do you feel about selling your services?
Survey statistics forbes
Top image of glasses taken at my mastermind day by Mae Photography