

Are you ready to transform your wedding or creative business and increase your confidence, joy AND profit?

Imagine what it would feel like to have a business that brings you the creative freedom you always desired? To have the systems in place so you have more time to pursue artistic projects without being shackled to your desk.

I work with creative businesses by providing them with 1:1 support culminating in personalised strategies for growth.

It’s time to see beyond the pretty, to live a life with freedom and abundance.

Are you ready to gain unshakeable confidence, reach your big goals and find the strategies that work for your wedding business? If so book your free call below or browse my services to learn more about my business consultancy.

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My Philosophy

I work with creative entrepreneurs to build a sustainable business for now and the future. We go beyond the pretty to create a business model that brings you joy, freedom AND profit.

Ways to work with me

4-Month 1:1 Consultancy + Coaching

This is my intensive signature service for those really looking to go beyond the pretty and start scaling their business. No more playing small, it’s your time to shine as a business. It’s time to see beyond the pretty, to live a life with freedom and abundance.

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Strategise and Energise

Perfect for providing clarity and strategy in your wedding or creative business, whilst focussing on YOU at all times. Together we will review your struggles and concerns, in order to create a plan for the future .

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VIP Strategy Day

My VIP Strategy Day is a fully immersive experience allowing you the space to embrace your business right NOW, and visualise the FUTURE. No emails. No distractions. No procrastination.

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Ready to work together?

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Natalie Hewitt Wedding Planner

Natalie Hewitt Weddings

Meeting Bernadette wasn’t just about seeking advice, but about running my business and getting the work done! It was about showing me how to manage my life as a business owner. It was eye opening to talk about me! I had assumed having your own business meant you worked all the time; and not being able to turn off was becoming a little overwhelming. I left my coaching session seeing the importance of finding time for myself.

I am feeling so motivated, more astute and focused on getting the balance right between work, family and relaxation.
Meeting Bernadette wasn’t just about seeking advice, but about running my business and getting the work done! It was about showing me how to manage my life as a business owner. It was eye opening to talk about me! I had assumed having your own business meant you worked all the time; and not being able to turn off was becoming a little overwhelming. I left my coaching session seeing the importance of finding time for myself. I am feeling so motivated, more astute and focused on getting the balance right between work, family and relaxation.

Patricia Downes

I can honestly say that Bernadette has been my saviour these past 4 months. She has helped me to put the necessary processes into place and has guided me as to what direction to go in next. I had no idea about my ideal client and my brand presence before I started coaching but she has been amazing at advising me on how to recognize what I am all about as a person. I can already see a huge difference in how I approach my business - everything is so much more logical now.

This journey I’ve been on has been hard work, challenging at times, sometimes scary, but so rewarding and enjoyable - it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my business.

Patricia Downes


Patricia Downes

I can honestly say that Bernadette has been my saviour these past 4 months. She has helped me to put the necessary processes into place and has guided me as to what direction to go in next. I had no idea about my ideal client and my brand presence before I started coaching but she has been amazing at advising me on how to recognize what I am all about as a person. I can already see a huge difference in how I approach my business - everything is so much more logical now. This journey I’ve been on has been hard work, challenging at times, sometimes scary, but so rewarding and enjoyable - it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my business.
Christian Business Mentor

Sonia Marie Loves

Without a doubt, this was the best investment I could have ever made and it was not about investing in Bernadette. It was about investing in myself which for me, is priceless. The cost was not cheap, but you cannot put a value on your personal growth and development and when put into context, I got so more out of my 4 months with her than could have paid for. True value for money. Thank you

Sonia Marie - Soniamarie Consulting


Sonia Marie - Soniamarie Consulting

Christian Business Mentor
Without a doubt, this was the best investment I could have ever made and it was not about investing in Bernadette. It was about investing in myself which for me, is priceless. The cost was not cheap, but you cannot put a value on your personal growth and development and when put into context, I got so more out of my 4 months with her than could have paid for. True value for money. Thank you
Susie Evans Wedding Planner

Susie Evans Weddings

I have recently completed 1:1 mentoring with Bernadette and it has been life changing for me in respect of my business as well as on a personal level. I have been a established 6 years as a wedding planner but last year, although my most successful year in business I reached a low mentally and had some bad experiences that really had a knock on effect of my confidence. I reached out to Bernadette as I was drawn to her friendly, warm and calm approach rather than a sell, sell, sell attitude.

I am now in full control of my business and have achieved so much with my new mindset as well as my goals for 2018, worked on my SEO, have a greater understanding of my business and who my ideal client is and more importantly how to get them. I have now recognised how I am a great wedding and party planner and have some amazing contacts and support in the industry and feel very inspired.

So, a big thank you to Bernadette!
I have recently completed 1:1 mentoring with Bernadette and it has been life changing for me in respect of my business as well as on a personal level. I have been a established 6 years as a wedding planner but last year, although my most successful year in business I reached a low mentally and had some bad experiences that really had a knock on effect of my confidence. I reached out to Bernadette as I was drawn to her friendly, warm and calm approach rather than a sell, sell, sell attitude. I am now in full control of my business and have achieved so much with my new mindset as well as my goals for 2018, worked on my SEO, have a greater understanding of my business and who my ideal client is and more importantly how to get them. I have now recognised how I am a great wedding and party planner and have some amazing contacts and support in the industry and feel very inspired. So, a big thank you to Bernadette!

Wedding Elements

The difference between Bernadette and other coaches, is that you really feel like Bernadette cares about your success! After hitting a real low point with my business, just an hour booster with Bernadette changed my outlook and gave me practical advice on how to improve my business, when before I have always had very generic advice from other coaches. I’ve made a few small changes, and already I feel more positive and that I can make my business a success. I will be booking my next business booster with Bernadette really soon!

Wedding Elements


Wedding Elements

The difference between Bernadette and other coaches, is that you really feel like Bernadette cares about your success! After hitting a real low point with my business, just an hour booster with Bernadette changed my outlook and gave me practical advice on how to improve my business, when before I have always had very generic advice from other coaches. I’ve made a few small changes, and already I feel more positive and that I can make my business a success. I will be booking my next business booster with Bernadette really soon!
Essex Wedding Planner Weddings by Mary

Mary – Weddings by Mary

One of the best decisions I have recently made for my business was to book a VIP session with Bernadette. Before our session we had a short conversation to ensure that we were ready to hit the ground running on the day. The four hours flew by but I came away feeling refreshed, upbeat, positive and excited to start working through the ideas we had discussed. Bernadette offers no nonsense, straightforward advice & guidance.
One of the best decisions I have recently made for my business was to book a VIP session with Bernadette. Before our session we had a short conversation to ensure that we were ready to hit the ground running on the day. The four hours flew by but I came away feeling refreshed, upbeat, positive and excited to start working through the ideas we had discussed. Bernadette offers no nonsense, straightforward advice & guidance.

Creative Business Consultancy Testimonial

When I received my report from Bernadette following our meeting, not only was it full of fabulous points and findings but also tools to enable me to put my steps into place. In a busy world, you need to avoid overwhelm and I felt Bernadette had thoroughly thought this through enabling you to confidently start to change you business in an order that would ensure nothing would be left out

I most definitely recommend Bernadette. She is sincere, kind, approachable, confident and extremely knowledgeable in her field. Everyone needs Bernadette in their life. I cannot thank her enough - in a time when I felt lost those few precious hours together not only change my business but found me again

When I received my report from Bernadette following our meeting, not only was it full of fabulous points and findings but also tools to enable me to put my steps into place. In a busy world, you need to avoid overwhelm and I felt Bernadette had thoroughly thought this through enabling you to confidently start to change you business in an order that would ensure nothing would be left out I most definitely recommend Bernadette. She is sincere, kind, approachable, confident and extremely knowledgeable in her field. Everyone needs Bernadette in their life. I cannot thank her enough - in a time when I felt lost those few precious hours together not only change my business but found me again
Scottish Wedding Planner

Catrina – Finflukra Testimonial

I went to Bernadette last year when I needed guidance and support in how best to take my business forward to the next level. Bernadette was absolutely fantastic! Her insight, observations and advice were invaluable throughout our time working together.

What I found most beneficial was how Bernadette would challenge and push me, holding me to account in turn allowing me to grow in my own confidence and abilities. Something which proved had been a mental block holding me back in driving my business forward.

2020 has certainly not been as expected for anyone, but despite this, I feel confident my business can steer these uncertain waters through the foundation I've built during my time with Bernadette. Highly recommended!
I went to Bernadette last year when I needed guidance and support in how best to take my business forward to the next level. Bernadette was absolutely fantastic! Her insight, observations and advice were invaluable throughout our time working together. What I found most beneficial was how Bernadette would challenge and push me, holding me to account in turn allowing me to grow in my own confidence and abilities. Something which proved had been a mental block holding me back in driving my business forward. 2020 has certainly not been as expected for anyone, but despite this, I feel confident my business can steer these uncertain waters through the foundation I've built during my time with Bernadette. Highly recommended!
Sussex Wedding Photographer

Simon Fazackarley

I've been working with Bernadette over the past few months and she's been a bright light in the difficult times of COVID. She's helped reignite the fire in our business and provided fresh direction and renewed enthusiasm. From simple business changes that have already paid dividends to mindset tips that will keep bringing rewards, it's all been so good and has come at the exact right time. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Bernadette's services to any other entrepreneur - she's the (massively friendly & thoroughly lovely) boot up the backside that we all need sometimes!!
I've been working with Bernadette over the past few months and she's been a bright light in the difficult times of COVID. She's helped reignite the fire in our business and provided fresh direction and renewed enthusiasm. From simple business changes that have already paid dividends to mindset tips that will keep bringing rewards, it's all been so good and has come at the exact right time. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Bernadette's services to any other entrepreneur - she's the (massively friendly & thoroughly lovely) boot up the backside that we all need sometimes!!

Wedding Business Consultancy – VIP Day Testimonial

Sometimes you require clarity because you cannot see the wood for the trees. With Bernadette's honest discussions she opened my eyes to see exactly what I had overlooked and suddenly the solutions started to fall into place.

Expert guidance, some tough love and lots of support is exactly how I found working with Bernadette. Armed with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and direction and mostly clarity is how I left the days proceedings. It went so quickly and I must say although I started the day not knowing which way to turn. I know I definitely skipped out of the meeting with a renewed sense of direction and purpose and with a smile on my face - I was back in the driving seat!!!

Sometimes you require clarity because you cannot see the wood for the trees. With Bernadette's honest discussions she opened my eyes to see exactly what I had overlooked and suddenly the solutions started to fall into place. Expert guidance, some tough love and lots of support is exactly how I found working with Bernadette. Armed with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and direction and mostly clarity is how I left the days proceedings. It went so quickly and I must say although I started the day not knowing which way to turn. I know I definitely skipped out of the meeting with a renewed sense of direction and purpose and with a smile on my face - I was back in the driving seat!!!
Wura Manola Luxe Weddings

Wura, Manola Luxe Weddings( Signature 1:1 Consultancy)

Working with Bernadette has been life changing not just to my business but to my life as an entrepreneur. In the time I spent working with Bernadette I was able to totally transform my business - I rebranded to ensure my brand was in line with my messaging, changed my services and pricing structure to make sure I was making more profit, I add other streams of income and I was able to identify who my ideal clients are and correctly position my business in the industry.

Not only was Bernadette incredibly helpful in transforming my business but she transformed me as an entrepreneur with amazing tips and advice on mindset, time management, productivity, self care and work/life/balance. I have truly never met someone with so much knowledge. The best thing about Bernadette's consulting programme is that she doesn't just care about your business, she truly cares about you, constantly checking in with your wellbeing.

Bernadette's programme is not just a one-off she is the type of coach you need long term.

Wura , Manola Luxe Weddings


Wura , Manola Luxe Weddings

Wura Manola Luxe Weddings
Working with Bernadette has been life changing not just to my business but to my life as an entrepreneur. In the time I spent working with Bernadette I was able to totally transform my business - I rebranded to ensure my brand was in line with my messaging, changed my services and pricing structure to make sure I was making more profit, I add other streams of income and I was able to identify who my ideal clients are and correctly position my business in the industry. Not only was Bernadette incredibly helpful in transforming my business but she transformed me as an entrepreneur with amazing tips and advice on mindset, time management, productivity, self care and work/life/balance. I have truly never met someone with so much knowledge. The best thing about Bernadette's consulting programme is that she doesn't just care about your business, she truly cares about you, constantly checking in with your wellbeing. Bernadette's programme is not just a one-off she is the type of coach you need long term.

VIP Strategy Day Testimonial

Thank you Bernadette for helping both revamp my business and long term life goals. I signed up to her ‘VIP Strategy Day”. We worked at rebranding/marketing/promoting my business the correct way. From time-management to profitability, everything now makes so much more sense. Before, my business plans seemed so challenging/ intimidating but a day with Bernadette it is now 1000’s time more achievable. I cannot recommend Bernadette’s services highly enough. THANK YOU

Nina Roe, HayHay Catering


Nina Roe, HayHay Catering

Thank you Bernadette for helping both revamp my business and long term life goals. I signed up to her ‘VIP Strategy Day”. We worked at rebranding/marketing/promoting my business the correct way. From time-management to profitability, everything now makes so much more sense. Before, my business plans seemed so challenging/ intimidating but a day with Bernadette it is now 1000’s time more achievable. I cannot recommend Bernadette’s services highly enough. THANK YOU

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