After 17 years as a wedding planner (Dream Occasions), and 15 years as the owner of the UK Alliance of Wedding Planners I have another business to call my own. And this time there is no hiding behind a name, this time the business is me whole heartedly.

Although I have been training wedding planners for over 15 years, and offering coaching for around 3 years. There was something missing, I felt a need to help wedding entrepreneurs with their businesses, but at times my coaching package wasn’t right. I took some time to analyse my feelings and think what was the disconnect? I soon realised I had created a “coaching package” that wasn’t aligned with how I work. I followed the crowd instead of being the leader I know I am. This frankly was shocking, I have been innovative in the wedding industry for 17 years, creating services and events that were unique. So to sit back and recognise that I had in fact created a cookie cutter package no different to the thousands of coaches out there was shocking to say the least.
It’s just proof that this can happen to anyone, it’s far easier to recreate what others are doing than to trust your instincts in creating something new. I remember speaking to my business consultant and saying my coaching service is all wrong, I didn’t want to only work with someone for 3 months, I didn’t want to have zoom calls only, I didn’t want to discount those that just needed an intensive business boost. And I’ll be honest the word coach or mentor wasn’t right for me. I am a wedding planner trainer, and I am a wedding business consultant – this is far more aligned with how I work with businesses. As soon as I said this to my business consultant I felt such relief.
I wanted, no I needed that personal connection with those I’m working with. I know from the hundreds of reviews I’ve received over the years that this is what people love. This is why I am still close to wedding planners I trained over 10 years ago. This is why I’m trusted in the industry. Its because they have met me and they have experienced my training in person. This is my power, this is my zone of genius, so why wouldn’t I use this in my consultancy?
There is such a push in business right now to create everything online, yes that can be more profitable but I feel the joy is taken away. And although I’m in the business of making money, I have to love what I do as well. So here is my promise to you:
- I will still offer in person wedding planning training at the UKAWP even though I now have online training as well
- I will ensure my consultancy services includes in person sessions (unless you can’t get to London)
- I will create a bespoke consultancy service unique to you if none of my current services are quite right
- My advice will be unique to you and designed for sustainable growth
- When we meet I will always hug you