When up-levelling as a person or as a business we are in essence at a crossroads. It is very usual to have conflicting emotions warring with us. Our sub conscious is saying “come on, lets expand” whereas our conscious mind is thinking “no thanks, quite happy where I am”.
The truth is up levelling is very uncomfortable. Certainly isn’t fun. But when you get through it oh the benefits are immense. So what are the typical signs?
1.Negative Thoughts
You may find it harder to remain positive, especially around your business as it stands right now. You want abundance and change now. The role as it stands no longer inspires you. Plus you may find yourself being “triggered” frequently by others.
2. Desire for deep change
Every waking moment is spent thinking about the potential. How can you create the change you desire? You want that change now and may find yourself reluctant to do the steps to make it happen.
3. Impatient with others
You are so laser focussed on the change that is coming your way that you have zero patience for those that are in your way. Especially those with the potential for change but who are happy to stay where they are.
Tip: Concentrate on your own journey not that of others. You cannot force change on others.
4.Your intuition and instincts are on fire
This happens to me all the time. I’ll be thinking of someone I haven’t spoken to for months and suddenly they call me. You begin to trust the process more. You’ll experience lots of déjà vu moments. You’ll notice signs from your spirit guides
Tip: Embrace the alignment. Roll with your instinct and don’t try to make it all perfect
5.You seek ways to make the change happen
You start increasing your knowledge in a range of ways. In fact you can’t soak up enough knowledge right now. From podcasts and clubhouse rooms to group programmes and 1:1 consultants/coaches. You recognise you are at this cross roads and want help moving forward. You look everywhere for ways to make those connections to guide you on your path.
As a creative business consultant I often work with clients who are in the midst of up-levelling, they come to me because changes are afoot and they don’t know how to keep up.
6. Tired and exhausted
You’ll begin to notice you are tired, so damn tired. And is it any wonder? You are going through some big changes so it stands to reason you will feel tired. You may also feel a tad emotionless , hard to find the joy in what you do.
7. Manifestation
This is an interesting one. You may find yourself manifesting opportunities with very little effort. In fact it feels like opportunities are being dropped in your lap.
Tip: Ensure you have your visionary goals on a vision board PLUS make sure you are journaling daily.
8. Your inner voice
That little voice in your head? It’s getting louder, in fact it’s screaming at you right now. So perhaps it’s time to listen?
Further Reading
How to up-level in 5 easy steps
How to implement new ideas in business
Start growing…
If the above sounds like you that congratulations, you are going through some exciting changes right now. If you would like help to up-level your business, book a call to talk about your growth plans and how I can help get you there faster with 1:1 consultancy. No cookie cutter approach, 100% tailored around your specific needs.