Do you set yourself goals every year? Or do you just wander through life and business not really thinking of the bigger picture. I’ll you a secret, I didn’t set goals for years. I was in a cycle of promote my service – get a client – serve that client – repeat. No celebration. No revenue targets. And no exciting goals to achieve. I was blasé and almost indifferent to business.
But then I worked with a coach who showed me the excitement of goal setting. She showed me how to celebrate my wins. And I got so good at smashing crazy goals, including moving from a 3 to a 5 bedroom house within months of setting this as a goal. I’ll talk more about this another day.
You see any goal setting starts with the big dream first. What is your ultimate goal for 2021?
All too often we set goals that are safe. We choose goals we know we can achieve and although that’s great being able to tick off your list. Will achieving the safe goals light you up? Will they make you jump with joy in excitement? Or will they just make you shrug your shoulders in acceptance.
Is playing it safe keeping your business small?
It’s more comfortable to think small and don’t stretch ourselves. So instead think big and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
When you imagine your perfect life what does it look and feel like? Don’t overthink this, don’t think of the HOW at this stage. I just want you to dream BIG, think of those goals that make you really excited.
Grab a notebook or journal and start writing all those dreams and goals down. Use this space to think of the bigger picture of what you would love life to look like.
Let me know how you get on with creating some of those big goals. Why not share on instagram and tag me in @bernadettechapman
p.s Keep an eye out for an online event in February to help you fine tune those goals. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and offers.