As a wedding business owner, you know how easy it is to get swept up in the day-to-day demands of running your business. Emails, client calls, and endless to-do lists often leave little time to step back and focus on…
Reasons NOT to attend a mastermind day
I know Mastermind Days are not for everyone, and for some people attending mine is not in their best interest. I remember how scared I was to attend my first Mastermind Day. I was shaking before walking into the venue….
Unpredictability of the wedding industry
The unpredictability of owning a wedding business seen through the eyes of someone who has been in this industry since 2002 If there is one thing I recognised pretty early on it is that the wedding industry is unpredictable. And…
Is your wedding business ready for engagement season?
Did you know 40% proposals happen between December and Valentines Day? With 19% happening in December alone? Making this a key time for new bookings to come in as these couples begin to plan their weddings. It probably feels unfair,…
Business Mindset Shift
2023 has been a huge year of reflection and changes. When I closed the UKAWP I knew I wanted to use the time I now had available with content creation. In particular going back to my roots of creating courses….
Why attend a Mastermind Day for Wedding + Creative Businesses
After the huge success of my Mastermind Days in 2018 and 2019 I am delighted to bring it back after pausing them due to lockdown and bereavement. I have decided to host this in January and not the usual December….
Off board your clients: Leave a lasting impression
How often do you think about the service you are providing when a client exits your services? I’m sure you’ve heard the advice on why its important to create a comprehensive on-boarding process, setting boundaries and highlighting what can be…
How to overcome lack of confidence with networking
If you were asked to attend an event what is your initial reaction? I’m talking networking meetings, evening soirees, masterclasses and even retreats. Do you stride confidently into the room or sneak in and walk around the edges only talking…
Collaboration not Competition in the Wedding Industry
When I first entered the wedding industry friends and family could not understand why I was so insistent on making connections with fellow wedding suppliers. And if they didn’t understand that, they most definitely thought I was bonkers for training…
7 mistakes I see wedding professionals make
Over the years I have seen the same mistakes made by wedding planners and wedding businesses. In this blog post I am highlighting the top 7. 1. Doing it for love Many of us enter the wedding industry because we…