Virtual Mastermind

Frustrated you missed out on the December mastermind?
Still want to reflect on the highs and lows of your business over the past 12 months?
Excited to map out a strategy for 2020?

My December Mastermind Day was beautiful and oh so powerful for those attending. I am very aware some businesses wanted to attend but were unable to due to date and location. If this was you, then you’ll love my virtual mastermind. It combines live training with me along with a beautiful PDF workbook to complete.
I feel in order to move forwards and grow your business it’s essential you reflect and review first. If you’re ready for powerful training with an intimate group of fellow professionals, then you’ll love my Virtual Mastermind that starts on the 23rd March.
It’s not too late to make 2020 a phenomenal year both professionally and personally.
Held within a private popup group, the training will be on zoom and available to watch live or on the replay.
Who is it for?
My Virtual Mastermind is for ALL entrepreneurs in the wedding industry. I believe the power of a mastermind comes from the experience of those in it who can offer the accountability and support needed. It is aimed at those that already have a business in the wedding industry, the ideal mix is planners, cake makers, florists, stationers, photographers and more!
What can you expect?
5 days of live training via zoom going through the Mastermind Workbook. We will be analysing your business to be ready for success in 2020.
My mastermind covers the 7 stages to success and we cover both mindset and strategy.
- Celebrating the highs of 2019
- How to let go of negativity
- Setting those BIG goals that scare you
- Reviewing your support structure
- Implementing new habits
- Breaking your goals down
- Visualisation in business
Everyone will get a chance to be in the hot seat where you will discuss a problem or challenge that you could benefit from advice and support on.

What’s Included?
- A beautiful mastermind pack to complete
- 1:1 feedback and consultancy for the 5 days within the community
- Masterminding from your fellow entrepreneurs
- The tools you’ll need for an empowering and successful 2020
- A private facebook group for the duration of the mastermind
The mastermind will commence on the 23rd March within the private facebook group. 4 calls will be scheduled that week to go through the mastermind pack and on the 5th day we will hold a more informal open Q&A zoom call.

Photography Credit: Grace Elizabeth Photography